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Culture Expectations of Women

Historical Context

In order to truly grasp and configure who Agnes was as a person, it is important to factor in the historical context of what the average life was like for women during the time period. 

Roles of Women: The Victorian Era

The Cult of True WomanhoodEssential characteristics that were expected of women during the 19th century.

  • Piety- Women were expected to be far more religious and spiritual in nature compared to men.
  • Purity- Women were to expected to be pure of heart, mind, and body. They should not engage in sexual activity until marriage. Sex was to be seen only for procreation. Even married women were not to be expected to enjoy or partake in recreational sexual intercourse. 
  • Submission- Women are to be expected to always take orders from men, first from your father, and then later your husband. 
  • Domesticity- Household duties are to be expected as a woman's only form of livelihood. Cooking, Cleaning, and caring for children are the epicenter of a woman's purpose in society.